Saturday, April 10, 2010

Every day's a gift

So it's the first day of my official blog and I couldn't decide if I should start off with slamming society for facebooking, cheering on Tiger Woods and eating too many donuts or..... if I should start by being positive and encouraging. Since the sun is shining and my coffee is delicious,(not to mention my beautiful 5 year old daughter is sitting next to me reading a book full of puppy pics while asking me "what do you think of this one"? on EVERY page), I'll start with the latter! :-)

I have to confess something to you. For about the first 40 years of my life I was a negative whiner! I am so ashamed of this. What a waste of precious time. Some of my negativity was learned at an early age. My mom ,(bless her heart for beating cancer twice and putting up with ME for all this time), can huff and puff more often than Obama barking out his Hitler health care reform. And her scowl can take the wind out of your sails faster than Tiger Woods can cheat on his wife. (Again and again and again and..... wait he just did it again) It's funny, I read great books like "Think and Grow Rich", modeled my ultra successful and positive dad, always told people I was gonna be a rock star, I was successful in sales and always bounced back from temporary defeat. I felt like I was being positive, I told myself I was being positive and compared to Hilary Clinton, I was positive. (Ever seen that fat turd smile? I didn't think so) But alas I was negative and this is how I discovered that I was negative and turned my frown upside down. As I mentioned by example earlier, we all know that young children often copy their parents without even realizing it, it's the way we are all made.(oh shit!) I have 3 awesome kids and as you can imagine, I have heard many things coming from the back seat of my car. Sometimes my kids can call the jaywalker casually walking in front of my speeding automobile a "jagoff" faster than I can! Well one day my daughter exclaimed "typical" from the back seat of my car after I cursed someone for taking the parking space I was patiently waiting for. A four year old exclaiming "typical" after a minor inconvenience? Horrendous! I was impacted and changed immediately and since that day I swear I've never uttered or even thought "typical". I wake up every day and immediately say out loud over and over "every day's a gift" And if I occasionally have trouble thinking of things to be extra grateful for or if I had a bad night of restless sleep or it's raining (why do women like rainy days, I hate them) ((uh rainy days, not women )) Then I say out loud " thank you I'm not in a wheelchair, thank you I'm not in a hospital, thank you I'm not dead, thank you I'm not homeless, thank you I'm breathing on my own"! Every day's a gift and the less often you write about your stupid little self indulgent lunch on face-twit, the less often you text while walking outside surrounded by nature and the more often you read my blog........ the happier you'll be. Things mean whatever we want them to mean not what we were taught they mean. Why is it two different Mercedes owners can react two polar opposite ways when someone crashes into their car? Because the happy person says "it was an accident, no one was hurt, it can be repaired, I've made the same mistake myself, it's only temporary, it's just a material good, I was happy before I had this car and I'll be happy when it's gone and many other POSITIVE philosophies. We all know what the unhappy person thinks. Unhappy always? Probably not but thoughts are habitual and your words predict your future. So today if you didn't realize it and do it already declare "every day's a gift" Because it really is!

1 comment:

  1. Inner peace has been huge in my life... God has blessed me with this "Lisa, it's gonna be ok" feeling that at times is so strong that it would be a pot smoking, hippies dream (without the pot smokin'). Fantastic Mark!
