Tuesday, August 7, 2018

Six years ago I predicted and declared that Clintonites would not only defend pedophiles but would encourage pedophilia. It's been six years now since I wrote and self-published my first book.
 In it, I wrote that Clintonites (unrepentant liberals from the 90's) are getting so out of control that eventually when someone is called a pedophile or a drunk driver, the liberals will scream, "That's hate speech, you can't call them that! Pedophiles are just really affectionate people and drunk drivers are daredevils living life to the fullest." Well, that dark day has come. TEDx Talk, which usually I'm a fan of, is now endorsing speakers that defend and validate pedophiles. I will not direct you to the speeches via any link. If you really want to waste your precious time listening to these simpletons, you can do so without any help from me. It's bad enough I had to mention this insanity at all and unfortunately, there has been only mild public outrage and backlash. These people are attempting to redefine what is good and bad, right and wrong or actually change the definitions of words. This stems from arrogance and an impenitent heart that was developed and promoted during the Clinton Presidency and has grown like a weed with the spread of social media.   As a result, American society has become incorrigible, remorseless and unrepentant. And we owe all this to... former President Bill Clinton. Well, the blame actually belongs on all the Clintonites that actually defended Bill, not so much the adulteress President. He lied and denied but his supporters were the ones that deflected and blameshifted. It was endorsed by the media and soccer moms alike and anyone that disagreed was called a prude or a religious freak and accused of yearning for the return of Bush and Reagan. It feels much better to blameshift than it does to apologize. Count in a single day how many times you hear the actual phrase "I'm sorry". I believe you'll be shocked if you even hear it at all. You might hear "My bad" which is not I'm sorry. My bad is more of a "Hey man chill, no big deal." My bad allows the person saying it to maintain their cool arrogance. I refer to a story I wrote about in "How To Screw Your Ex" https://amzn.to/2AIKy78 where I witnessed a woman who was driving while talking on the phone, smash into someone's car. The person who was struck got out of his car and began yelling and swearing at the driver that caused the accident. Instead of apologizing she shouted back, "You can't talk to me like that, who do you think you are?" To which he replied, "If you don't like getting yelled at then don't be smashing into people's cars!" If someone smashes into your car because they were distracted while driving, you are allowed to respond any noncriminal way you desire. Her response attempted to deflect her guilt, that's what Clintonites do. And they learned it from all the Clintonites that came to Bill's defense in the 90's. All those people knew that they too had ghosts in their closet so it's much easier to set up a culture of incorrigible, remorseless and unrepentant people than it is to apologize, change your behavior and be held accountable. Right is right and wrong is wrong. The driving motivation for some simpleton medical student to go on TEDx talk and attempt to justify pedophiles is so she can also be blameless and incorrigible so when her sins are exposed she can go on feeling good about herself and do whatever she feels like doing. Society does not want to be held accountable, they are Clintonites. The 90's parents started it and embraced it because it simply felt better. They learned that instead of feeling bad about being obese, you can refer to yourself as a BBW. When someone calls you fat, you can use the excuse that you are just full figured and go on eating without self-control. When your boss writes you up for being late, you can deflect and blameshift with excuses and even say, "Hey you were late once last year too so..." When you break into someone's home and fall and hurt yourself, you can sue the homeowner. If you are into hurting yourself or others you can go on a horricif show called "13 reasons why" and have everyone feel sorry for you in order to excuse your harmful behavior and eventually get away with murder. The shitty 90's parents raised these kids without accountability and now these kids are what we call millennials; arrogant, incorrigible, non-apologetic people that unfortunately the rest of us have to live with.
Bill Clinton was President of the United States 1993–2001 and that is precisely when most millennials were being born. Their parents became blame shifters as they watched their popular President beat the rap. It felt good! "Ha, if he can get away with it so can we" became the philosophy and so they raised their kids the exact same way! In her online article from Nov 2017, Tara Isabella Burton wrote "For both left and right alike, approaches to political scandals of the day — including Clinton’s in-office misconduct — don’t just reflect people’s reasoned, objective assessments of the facts. The way we view and talk about sex scandals also reflects the identity we want to create and defend." Her article is a tremendous read and even refers to a bizarre attempt to decriminalize pedophilia. Check it out here http://bit.ly/2OQ3zrh
The arrogance of society is out of control and perpetuated by social, I mean snotty
media. http://bit.ly/2OgSy11 http://bit.ly/2vsAqKK
 In my next book called the Clinton Consequences, I explore how a very famous world leader committed adultery in the White House and when caught, his supporters deflected (turned things around on his accusers) and became arrogant blame-shifters with comments like, "All Presidents cheat. JFK did it. Oh like you never cheated? What he does in private is no one's business but his, so mind your own business." I explore evidence, marriages and other social situations demonstrating how the depressed grunge parents of the 90's endorsed this philosophy and began hopping on sites like Ashley Madison and instead of parenting, they were busy reliving their younger years by watching 'Friends" and committing adultery. Dozens of stories demonstrate how Clintonites raised their children to be future Clintonites. A new breed of people that were remorseless and unrepentant and received participation trophies because who would want to tell little Billy and Jessica that they aren't very good at baseball or volleyball. They thought, "I don't want anyone telling me to get to work instead of wasting time on face-twit so why would I hold anyone else accountable." An entire generation was influenced and contaminated and now Billy and Jessica are what we refer to as millennials. Millennials= arrogant, incorrigible, non-apologetic, condescending, entitled, snowflake, snotty-media addicted, Prozac popping "people" who never smile and never say, "I'm sorry." If this offends you, then let me lead by example and conclude with; I'm sorry you're so easily offended.