Monday, January 26, 2015

  I always wanted to be some sort of a "Critic". I can remember watching Siskel and Ebert as a little kid with amazement thinking, "These guys get paid to watch movies and then tell America what they thought of it?! Wow, what a gig!" As I grew in to my teen years I became infatuated with cars! I read and practically memorized every magazine review. I knew by heart the wheelbase, 0-60 acceleration times, braking distance and even driver legroom stats within minutes of reading a review. And I still remember shaking my head at automobile critic comments like, "It was a little loud for a sports car." And my all time favorite comment when reviewing my all time favorite car; the British made Lotus Espirit Turbo- "If you are a mom headed to the grocery store this car is quite impractical unless you are looking to turn heads and draw a crowd." Duh, really? So I came to the conclusion that to be a critic you don't need a ton of intelligence, you just need a brass set of... well in this case a set of silverware because I am going to attempt to become a part time, not so famous restaurant and food critic. After all, my passion is healthy and real food and I make my living during the day selling food and beverage products to restaurants and pubs. In the past 7 years I have seen cooks pick up raw food off the floor and cook it. (Chinese restaurant, never ever eat at a Chinese restaurant) I have watched restaurant owners handle money, a cell phone, raw chicken and french fries all in a matter of seconds (Hello "Mom and Pop" Diner) I have placed top 5% in the nation in sales at my food distribution company out of over 3,000 sales people and I have helped a restaurant owner grow from one location and a dream to six locations churning out $4.5 million dollars in annual sales.
  I know what to do and more importantly what not to do in order to run a successful restaurant in the hospitality industry. A famous French chef once told me that "back home" it is folklore that the French made up the word hospitality during the first world war. He explained that there were many hospitals in France at the time and that a group of young cooks noticed that the hospital was, "Doing for others, something they could not do for themselves". After all, the wounded were bed ridden and severely injured so the staff became committed to not only treating the wounded but being mindful of "Doing for others something they could not do for themselves." These young and brash cooks decided that they too would take on this mindset when cooking not only for the hospital guests but of course the kind and lovely nurses. The result was turning out amazing and delicious meals that left the nurses asking "how did you make this?" and many other conversations that kept the entire staff hovered around empty dishes long after their shifts were over.
  So if a restaurant owner is in the Hospitality industry then they better be damn sure they and their entire staff are doing something for you that you are not able to do yourself, otherwise they have failed!
  With this in mind, I'm not sure where this will go. I will shred your favorite overhyped restaurant. I will expose cheapskates that shop at a dirty warehouse called Restaurant Depot and transport meat in their hot and dirty cars in order to line their pockets with more profit. I will call out people that need to change how they run their business. I will always tell the complete truth and I will occasionally endorse a restaurant, staff member or particular meal. It's very easy to run a successful restaurant, pub, hotel or club. Just do the opposite of most of them.
Cheers! (And put your fork down in between bites you pig!)

Sunday, January 25, 2015

Try EVERYTHING else first. Throw in the towel and start thinking "I'll never lose this weight". That's my specialty!
$20 initial 45 minute consultation $100 results implementation plan $150 kitchen and pantry review and makeover
For now all you need to do is answer the following important questions below and we will get started as soon as you email me back!
Current height and weight-                           How long have you been at this weight?
Blood type-
Favorite physical activity-                           Favorite as a youth or teen?

A few questions to consider for lasting results-
Are you willing to DOCUMENT everything you choose to put in your mouth?
Are you willing to stop "working out" and start playing, staying fit and building muscle?
Are you willing to eliminate ALL DAIRY consumption?
Are you willing to OWN the problem and solution and STOP making excuses?

Follow my plan and you WILL be HAPPY, HEALTHY AND HOPEFUL

Short term NEGLIGENCE always leads to long term FRUSTRATION

Negligence: carelessness, default, dereliction, disregard, failure, forgetfulness, heedlessness, inadvertence, inattention, inattentiveness, indifference, laxity, laxness, neglect, omission, oversight, remissness, shortcoming, slackness, thoughtlessness 
Frustration: annoyance, bitter pill, blocking, blow, bummer, chagrin, circumvention, contravention, curbing, defeat, disgruntlement, dissatisfaction, downer, drag, failure, fizzle, foiling, grievance, hindrance, impediment, irritation, letdown, nonfulfillment, nonsuccess, obstruction, old one-two, resentment, setback, unfulfillment, vexation