Tuesday, February 26, 2013

The problem with you (free porn get laid work from home Obama gun control obesity lose weight divorce)

Hi there! Oh, you thought my title was going to lead to something else didn't you? See how easy it is trick, play, redirect and mislead people by way of the internet? So is the internet bad or are the people using it bad? Careful anti 2nd Amendment people and gun-a-phoebes because if you say it's the people then that also means that guns don't kill... people do. I often wonder when the liberal biased, brain washing media reports something like, "The bullets that killed this man were large caliber..." So does that mean that the bullets and the gun were co-conspirators? If convicted of murder should the gun and bullets serve equal prison time? Or should the bullets serve more time since the gun only fired the bullet and the bullets are the one that actually did the killing right? Do you charge each bullet with a different count? Like the bullet that hit the person in the leg gets charged with attempted murder, but the bullet that hit the heart... that bullet gets the electric chair or life in prison in the liberal states.

Anyway this particular blog is not about gun control, it's about you. Or should I talk about free porn free porn free porn? The problem with you is you refuse to deal with THE TRUTH. 
The truth is if you eat too much processed food and refuse to exercise you will gain excess weight known as fat. Over a certain period of time you will become fat! When this happens, the truth is you are fat. You are not a BBW, you are not weight challenged, you are not curvy. I can call you names, label you and give you a look if I so desire. If you don't like being called names then I have the following suggestions. First- Toughen up. Secondly- Ignore me. Thirdly- Lose some weight. Fourthly and most importantly- Don't ever call a drunk driver a drunk driver. They instead should be called "Party Animals". Don't ever refer to anyone as a child molester or rapist. They are simply "very affectionate people", you know the "touchy feely type" like Oprah.

Would you like to hear about how to work from home, work from home, work from home? Or how to win the Lottery? Or better yet divorce, divorce, divorce? Well you came to the wrong place.

So here's my main point. So often in life we allow life to contaminate our minds. (Like hourly in today's world due to cell phone, tablet and TV screens being everywhere. Even in front of the urinals in some restaurants! Actually that reminds me of a funny story I have to share. One time when I was in a public bathroom there was a guy having a full blown conversation on his cell phone while sitting in a stall. When I was done washing my hands and about to exit I screamed, "Hey just so you know the guy you are talking to is in the bathroom taking a shit right now!" I could imagine the embarrassed man trying to cover the phone while he yelled back at me, "Why did you do that? That was rude!" To which I said as I exited, " Dude, take 5 minutes and enjoy a crap without being on the phone. And when you wash your hands, wash your phone!" So once contaminated we must process is this good or bad, helpful or hurtful, faith based or fear based? Can I share a secret? If you are dumb, lazy, high or have a screw loose, then you will not process. Your brain will fill up with lies and you will simply one day react to a situation in a very destructive manner. And that is how you end up on TV convicted of a crime, losing your job or your family, homeless on crack and on and on.

So I have blogged a little about THE TRUTH, a little about lies and a little about free porn get laid work from home Obama gun control obesity lose weight divorce. I will be back to expound on THE TRUTH and why the devil wants to fill your head with lies. "Wait a minute, there is no such thing as the devil! Are you one of those people?" Ha, he already got you! The greatest lie ever told is that the devil doesn't exist! You can't defeat an enemy that doesn't exist!